Emotional Intelligence Assessments
Hire Smartly
Hire people based on their skillset and put the right person in the right place.
Create Authentic Leadership
Have leaders with authentic leadership skills who build a safe space & thriving organizational culture.
Build High-Performing Teams
Build teams that communicate effectively, form strong relationships, and create powerful coping strategies.
Your All-in-One Development Tool. Measure employees’ emotional intelligence…
In the workplace
In a leadership context
On a group level
90% of Top Performers are High in Emotional Intelligence
EQ Workplace Assessment Gains

Have employees self-evaluate their emotional intelligence skills with EQi 2.0 self-assessments.
- Work out an action plan to enhance EI.
- Identify areas for personal growth.
Compare employees’ views to others’ with EQ 360 multi-rater assessments.
- Identify areas for personal growth.
- Work out an action plan to enhance EI.
- Identify blind spots.
- Obtain a holistic view to their EI.
Lead Change Authentically
92% of emotionally intelligent leaders have teams with high energy & performance.
EQ Leadership Assessment Gains

Have leaders self-evaluate their emotional intelligence skills with EQi 2.0 self-assessments.
- Identify areas for leadership growth.
- Work out an action plan to enhance EI.
- See your result compared to top leaders.
Compare leaders’ views to others’ with EQ 360 multi-rater assessments.
- Identify areas for leadership growth.
- Work out an action plan to enhance EI.
- See your result compared to top leaders.
- Identify blind spots.
- Obtain a holistic view to your EI.
EQ Group Assessment Gains

Still curious? Let’s book a meeting. Coffee is on the house!
Rate Emotional Intelligence in Groups
Have an overview of a group’s strengths based on emotional intelligence.
Identify areas for growth.
Work out an action plan to enhance emotional intelligence on team level.