The Firm
Helping ROI-hungry businesses lay the foundation of a “WE” culture that develops their workforce at all levels
Trusted by +45 Organization

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Business Services
Some highlights in Clients’ journeys
I worked with Reem in several projects, where she trained and coached our employees at the Saudi food and Drug Authority. I also was a trainee at her Emotional Intelligence Certification program.
Throughout my engagement with Reem, she demonstrated the highest levels of professionalism, humility and competence. She supported our leaders building on her wisdom, experience and knowledge . Her company, coREACH is a trusted partner whenever i go, and it is my pleasure to recommend her as a consultant, coach, trainer and assessor.

Mishari Alghamdi
HR Director at GE Saudi Advanced Turbines (GESAT)
To adapt the global best practices with our needs of leadership development solutions by stc we are proud to announce that we have launched the Virtual Coaching Program to enhance best practices for solutions' leaders and to enable them to apply coaching skills with all employees, In order to improve quality of interactive performance and communication. In the future, we hope to launch the second voyage that will be for all employees which helps leaders to apply coaching practices effectively and smoothly because of the awareness that the organization will reach in the future about practices of coaching. In cooperation with coREACH

Abdulaziz Al Mousa
Learning And Devolopment Senior Specialist + Remote Working Facilitator